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  1. User Support
  2. HELP-213

IGB slow with large quickloads, even if no annotation is selected


    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Labels:


      From: Arnaud Ceol <arnaud.ceol@iit.it>
      To: Ann Loraine <Ann.Loraine@uncc.edu>
      CC: Norris, David <dcnorris@uncc.edu>; Mason Meyer <mmeyer20@uncc.edu>
      Date: Wed, May 18, 2016 at 12:21 PM
      Subject: IGB slow with large quickloads, even if no annotation is selected


      I have a strange problem with large quickload servers. I have created a quickload with all results from our group ( > 7000 annotations). As soon as I add it to the data sources, IGB becomes really slow, particularly when searching/zooming. What is strange is that it happens event if I have not loaded any of the annotations of this quickload server. If I remove it it becomes fast again.


      1) Open IGB, select my species

      2) Go to advanced search, enter myc, search

      3) double click on any of the results -> zoom finish in < 1 second

      4) Add my quickload server

      5) Go to advanced search, enter myc, search

      6) double click on any of the results -> zoom finish in > 4 seconds

      7) Remove my quickload server

      8) Go to advanced search, enter myc, search

      9) double click on any of the results -> zoom finish in < 1 seconds

      The same speed difference is observed if I used the method "ServiceManager.getInstance().getService().zoomToCoord()" from my plugins.

      Do you know why this happens? Is the quickload server searched even if none of the annotations is selected?



      PS: Here is one example line of the annot.xml file: <file title="users/aceol/secondary/624-test_peaks.bb" name=""/>


          Issue Links


            mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) created issue -
            mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
            Field Original Value New Value
            Link This issue relates to IGBF-1114 [ IGBF-1114 ]
            mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked lower
            mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
            Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
            Status Open [ 1 ] Closed [ 6 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Workflow Loraine Lab Workflow [ 17137 ] Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 20638 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Workflow Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 20638 ] Revised Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 22845 ]


              • Assignee:
                mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
                mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
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                0 Vote for this issue
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