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  1. IGB
  2. IGBF-1288

Improve page load time of bioviz site and check responsiveness


    • Sprint:
      B - Summer 2018


      Optimise the loading time of bioviz site.



          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) created issue -
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Sprint B - Summer 2018 [ 48 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Assignee Ann Loraine [ aloraine ] Sneha Ramesh Watharkar [ jdaly ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

          Set up test site and check in commonly used browsers.

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Set up test site and check in commonly used browsers.
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ] Open [ 1 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - - edited

          Tested on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and few other mobile device dimensions using Dev Tool.
          Works fine. Website is responsive.

          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - - edited Tested on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and few other mobile device dimensions using Dev Tool. Works fine. Website is responsive.
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment -

          Branch related to this change is https://bitbucket.org/swathark/bioviz/branch/IGBF-1288.
          [~aloraine] : Professor could you review this ? I will send out a PR once the review is complete.

          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - Branch related to this change is https://bitbucket.org/swathark/bioviz/branch/IGBF-1288 . [~aloraine] : Professor could you review this ? I will send out a PR once the review is complete.
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Assignee Sneha Ramesh Watharkar [ jdaly ] Ann Loraine [ aloraine ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Summary Improve page load time of bioviz site Improve page load time of bioviz site and check responsiveness
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - - edited

          Rebased after IGBF-1306 and have submitted PR for this as well.
          I need this PR to be merged to work on Upgrading Jquery (IGBF-1305) Issue .

          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - - edited Rebased after IGBF-1306 and have submitted PR for this as well. I need this PR to be merged to work on Upgrading Jquery ( IGBF-1305 ) Issue .
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ] Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ] Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ] Reviewing Pull Request [ 10303 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Reviewing Pull Request [ 10303 ] Open [ 1 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

          See comments on pull request for edit/change requests.

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - See comments on pull request for edit/change requests.
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Assignee Ann Loraine [ aloraine ] Sneha Ramesh Watharkar [ jdaly ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment -

          Divided the commit into 2 commits.
          One to remove unwanted dependancy and the other for compressed images.
          Branch is : https://bitbucket.org/swathark/bioviz/branch/IGBF-1288-Split
          I have deleted the old branch.

          Assigning it to [~aloraine] for reviewing.

          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - Divided the commit into 2 commits. One to remove unwanted dependancy and the other for compressed images. Branch is : https://bitbucket.org/swathark/bioviz/branch/IGBF-1288-Split I have deleted the old branch. Assigning it to [~aloraine] for reviewing.
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Assignee Sneha Ramesh Watharkar [ jdaly ] Ann Loraine [ aloraine ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ] Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

          Please submit pull request.

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Please submit pull request.
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Assignee Ann Loraine [ aloraine ] Sneha Ramesh Watharkar [ jdaly ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ] Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Assignee Sneha Ramesh Watharkar [ jdaly ] Ann Loraine [ aloraine ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment -

          PR submitted!

          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - PR submitted!
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

          Fix conflict in overview.html

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Fix conflict in overview.html
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Assignee Ann Loraine [ aloraine ] Sneha Ramesh Watharkar [ jdaly ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ] Open [ 1 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Fix Version/s 9.0.2 [ 10600 ]
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment -

          Fixed conflict.

          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) added a comment - Fixed conflict.
          sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
          Status Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Labels Intermediate
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Workflow Loraine Lab Workflow [ 17979 ] Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 19879 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Workflow Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 19879 ] Revised Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 21998 ]


            • Assignee:
              sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive)
              sneha Sneha Ramesh Watharkar (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              Start watching this issue


              • Created: