New Feature
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:0.5
Epic Link:
Sprint:Fall 6 : 28 Oct to 8 Nov, Summer 1: 8 Jun - 19 Jun, Summer 2: 22 Jun - 3 Jul
When testing the search subsystem, I thought it would be nice to be able to use a keyboard shortcut - something like CMD + F - in order to focus the quick search box. I checked the tasks for which shortcuts are configurable in Preferences -> Toolbar and didn't see such an option there.
This would make searching more streamlined, especially for users who are going to paste in a copied query.
From my investigation, the class that is responsible for searching is
The classes responsible for the actions listed in the Toolbar section in Preferences can be found in the IGB project at:
igb --> src --> main --> java --> com --> affymetrix --> igb --> action
All these classes use a parent class called GenericAction, which has a setKeyStrokeBinding method that takes a string of the keystroke to use.
For example: ExitAction class, which is responsible for exiting IGB when required, has a setKeyStrokeBinding method of "setKeyStrokeBinding("ctrl Q");" , which is the same one listed in the Toolbar section of Preferences.
Preferences can be opened on Windows by clicking "alt + p", which is confirmed by the class, which includes "setKeyStrokeBinding("alt P")".