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  1. IGB
  2. IGBF-2958

Investigate: Possible vulnerability


    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Labels:




      for possible vulnerability.

      Propose course of action to mitigate risk.



          ann.loraine Ann Loraine created issue -
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Epic Link IGBF-2323 [ 18477 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status To-Do [ 10305 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

          This URL needs to be blocked:


          Not sure if it will block functionality of the server, or what the normal function of this is.

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - This URL needs to be blocked: https: //jira.transvar.org/plugins/servlet/oauth/users/icon-uri?consumerUri= Not sure if it will block functionality of the server, or what the normal function of this is.
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

          Apache lets me block access to particular URLs. See documentation https://ubiq.co/tech-blog/apache-deny-access-to-url-files-directory/.

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Apache lets me block access to particular URLs. See documentation https://ubiq.co/tech-blog/apache-deny-access-to-url-files-directory/ .
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

          Upgrading the software will take me some time – a couple of days at least. Is it worth the effort to block the above endpoint while working on the upgrade?

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Upgrading the software will take me some time – a couple of days at least. Is it worth the effort to block the above endpoint while working on the upgrade?
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] To-Do [ 10305 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - - edited

          Testing configuration:

            <LocationMatch "/plugins/servlet/oauth/users/icon-uri*">
              Require all denied

          When attempted to visit above, observed "access denied" message, which is the desired behavior.
          Function of server does not appear to be affected, but upgrading should be a top priority.

          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - - edited Testing configuration: <LocationMatch "/plugins/servlet/oauth/users/icon-uri*" > Require all denied </LocationMatch> When attempted to visit above, observed "access denied" message, which is the desired behavior. Function of server does not appear to be affected, but upgrading should be a top priority.
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status To-Do [ 10305 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Assignee Ann Loraine [ aloraine ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - - edited Useful links: Configure virtual host: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/140346/can-location-be-for-multiple-virtual-hosts-in-httpd-conf Directives: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/140346/can-location-be-for-multiple-virtual-hosts-in-httpd-conf Apache LocationMatch documentation: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#location
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ] First Level Review in Progress [ 10301 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status First Level Review in Progress [ 10301 ] Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ] Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ] Reviewing Pull Request [ 10303 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Reviewing Pull Request [ 10303 ] Merged Needs Testing [ 10002 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Status Merged Needs Testing [ 10002 ] Post-merge Testing In Progress [ 10003 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
          Status Post-merge Testing In Progress [ 10003 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Assignee Ann Loraine [ aloraine ]


            • Assignee:
              ann.loraine Ann Loraine
              ann.loraine Ann Loraine
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue


              • Created: