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  1. IGB
  2. IGBF-3035

Create Cyverse App to create and index Bedgraph


    • Type: Task
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Story Points:
    • Sprint:
      Fall 9 2021 Dec 13 - Dec 24, Spring 1 2022 Jan 3 - Jan 14, Spring 2 2022 Jan 18 - Jan 28, Spring 3 2022 Jan 31 - Feb 11


      Use case scenario:

      A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using a tool from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

      This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

      Create a Cyverse analyses app that does two things:

      • creates a scaled coverage graph using bamCoverage (from the deepTools suite)
      • sorts and tabix-indexes the resulting bedgraph file (the output from bamCoverage)


      bamCoverage documentation
      How to index a bedgraph
      tabix and bgzip in Samtools
      Deploying apps in CyVerse
      Tool integration in DE

      Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.


          Issue Links


            karthik Karthik Raveendran created issue -
            karthik Karthik Raveendran made changes -
            Field Original Value New Value
            Epic Link IGBF-2376 [ 18533 ]
            karthik Karthik Raveendran made changes -
            Status To-Do [ 10305 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above.

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above.

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above.

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above.

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools.

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools.

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            karthik Karthik Raveendran made changes -
            Status In Progress [ 3 ] To-Do [ 10305 ]
            karthik Karthik Raveendran made changes -
            Status To-Do [ 10305 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Sprint Fall 9 2021 Dec 13 - Dec 24 [ 135 ] Fall 9 2021 Dec 13 - Dec 24, Spring 1 2022 Jan 3 - Jan 14 [ 135, 136 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Link This issue relates to IGBF-2971 [ IGBF-2971 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Summary Create Cyverse App to Index Bedgraph Create Cyverse App to create and index Bedgraph
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to create a scaled coverage graph (bedgraph) file - bamCoverage |documentation|https://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/develop/content/tools/bamCoverage.htm]
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [How to create a scaled coverage graph (bedgraph) file - bamCoverage |documentation|https://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/develop/content/tools/bamCoverage.htm]
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [bamCoverage documentation|https://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/develop/content/tools/bamCoverage.htm]
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app to index Bedgraph.
            [bamCoverage documentation|https://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/develop/content/tools/bamCoverage.htm]
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app that does two things:
            * creates a scaled coverage graph using bamCoverage (from the deepTools suite)
            * sorts and tabix-indexes the resulting bedgraph file (the output from bamCoverage)


            [bamCoverage documentation|https://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/develop/content/tools/bamCoverage.htm]
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Comment [ Also, please see linked issue: IGBF-2971 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Sprint Fall 9 2021 Dec 13 - Dec 24, Spring 1 2022 Jan 3 - Jan 14 [ 135, 136 ] Fall 9 2021 Dec 13 - Dec 24, Spring 1 2022 Jan 3 - Jan 14, Spring 2 2022 Jan 18 - Jan 28 [ 135, 136, 137 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            nfreese Nowlan Freese made changes -
            Story Points 2 4
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Link This issue relates to IGBF-2280 [ IGBF-2280 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Sprint Fall 9 2021 Dec 13 - Dec 24, Spring 1 2022 Jan 3 - Jan 14, Spring 2 2022 Jan 18 - Jan 28 [ 135, 136, 137 ] Fall 9 2021 Dec 13 - Dec 24, Spring 1 2022 Jan 3 - Jan 14, Spring 2 2022 Jan 18 - Jan 28, Spring 3 2022 Jan 31 - Feb 11 [ 135, 136, 137, 138 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Description Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using genomeCov from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app that does two things:
            * creates a scaled coverage graph using bamCoverage (from the deepTools suite)
            * sorts and tabix-indexes the resulting bedgraph file (the output from bamCoverage)


            [bamCoverage documentation|https://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/develop/content/tools/bamCoverage.htm]
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            Use case scenario:

            A user has uploaded or created a BAM file with RNA-Seq data. They would like to create a bedgraph file representing a scaled RNA-Seq coverage graph. However, for the bedgraph to be useful, the file needs to be sorted, compressed, and tabix-indexed. Currently, we have a BioViz CyVerse app that creates a bedgraph file using a tool from the deepTools suite, but the bedgraph file is not compressed or tabix-indexed. Rather than just create the "plain" bedgraph file, let's also create the bedgraph file and then sort, compress, and tabix-index it. This will be much more useful to a user than simply the plain-text, uncompressed, unindexed file.

            This will probably require created a docker image where the docker "run" command is actually running a script that we write that does all of the above. Note that you can potentially obtain the original docker image with deepTools and use that to further provision it with tabix/samtools. Also, be sure to save the docker provisioning file (the docker file).

            Create a Cyverse analyses app that does two things:
            * creates a scaled coverage graph using bamCoverage (from the deepTools suite)
            * sorts and tabix-indexes the resulting bedgraph file (the output from bamCoverage)


            [bamCoverage documentation|https://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/develop/content/tools/bamCoverage.htm]
            [How to index a bedgraph | https://www.biostars.org/p/121967/]
            [tabix and bgzip in Samtools | http://www.htslib.org/doc/tabix.html]
            [Deploying apps in CyVerse | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/container_camp_workshop_2019/en/latest/cyverse/de_docker.html]
            [Tool integration in DE | https://learning.cyverse.org/projects/Container-camp-2020/en/latest/cyverse/tool_integration_app_building_DE.html]

            Some examples of scripts that do all of the above can be found in our code repositories in various places. Remind [~aloraine] to provide links to the most relevant repositories and scripts.
            karthik Karthik Raveendran made changes -
            Assignee Karthik Raveendran [ karthik ]
            karthik Karthik Raveendran made changes -
            Status In Progress [ 3 ] Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ] First Level Review in Progress [ 10301 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status First Level Review in Progress [ 10301 ] To-Do [ 10305 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Assignee Karthik Raveendran [ karthik ]
            karthik Karthik Raveendran made changes -
            Status To-Do [ 10305 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Link This issue relates to IGBF-3076 [ IGBF-3076 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status In Progress [ 3 ] Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status Needs 1st Level Review [ 10005 ] First Level Review in Progress [ 10301 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status First Level Review in Progress [ 10301 ] Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status Ready for Pull Request [ 10304 ] Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status Pull Request Submitted [ 10101 ] Reviewing Pull Request [ 10303 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status Reviewing Pull Request [ 10303 ] Merged Needs Testing [ 10002 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Status Merged Needs Testing [ 10002 ] Post-merge Testing In Progress [ 10003 ]
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
            Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
            Status Post-merge Testing In Progress [ 10003 ] Closed [ 6 ]


              • Assignee:
                karthik Karthik Raveendran
                karthik Karthik Raveendran
              • Votes:
                0 Vote for this issue
                2 Start watching this issue


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