From Ivory:
A lot of the information available in the tool tips is cryptic. All of the tool tip info is available in the selection info tab (and ideally both places are organized in the same way).
It would be really nice if the selection info tab could include explanations for the fields. Maybe as an info button by each field title that could bring up a pop up window with explanations (first choice) or maybe as info that could appear if you hover over the field titles (second choice).
The info could include any or all of:
-File name the info came from
-which field in the file the info came from
-how the value is calculated (if appropriate)
-the possible values/ value type
****The descriptive explanation of that info. This would have to come form documentation on the file formats.
The thing I’m really after here is the descriptive information.
Right now I think a large chunk of the information being shown in the tooltips is total gibberish to most users.
This may be a way to remedy that.
This information could also be available in the user's guide, but I really like Ivory's idea for a small info button beside selection info fields, unless that clutters up the selection info window.