"caePb1": {
"description": "Jan. 2007 (WUGSC 4.0/caePb1)",
"nibPath": "/gbdb/caePb1",
"organism": "C. brenneri",
"defaultPos": "chrUn:97956213-97960870",
"active": 1,
"orderKey": 3012,
"genome": "C. brenneri",
"scientificName": "Caenorhabditis brenneri",
"htmlPath": "/gbdb/caePb1/html/description.html",
"hgNearOk": 0,
"hgPbOk": 0,
"sourceName": "Washington University School of Medicine GSC Caenorhabditis n. sp. PB2801",
"taxId": 135651
"caePb2": {
"description": "Feb. 2008 (WUGSC 6.0.1/caePb2)",
"nibPath": "/gbdb/caePb2",
"organism": "C. brenneri",
"defaultPos": "chrUn:117559143-117563800",
"active": 1,
"orderKey": 3011,
"genome": "C. brenneri",
"scientificName": "Caenorhabditis brenneri",
"htmlPath": "/gbdb/caePb2/html/description.html",
"hgNearOk": 0,
"hgPbOk": 0,
"sourceName": "Washington University School of Medicine GSC Caenorhabditis brenneri (PB2801) 6.0.1",
"taxId": 135651
"hs1": {
"description": "Jan. 2022 (T2T CHM13v2.0/hs1)",
"nibPath": "hub:/gbdb/hs1/hubs",
"organism": "Human",
"defaultPos": "chr9:145458455-145495201",
"active": 1,
"orderKey": 45,
"genome": "Human",
"scientificName": "Homo sapiens",
"htmlPath": "/gbdb/hs1/html/description.html",
"hgNearOk": 0,
"hgPbOk": 0,
"sourceName": "Telomere to telomere (T2T) assembly of haploid CHM13 + chrY (GCA_009914755.4)",
"taxId": 9606
"mpxvRivers": {
"description": "MPXV-M5312_HM12_Rivers (MT903340.1/GCF_014621545.1)",
"nibPath": "hub:/gbdb/mpxvRivers/hubs",
"organism": "Monkeypox virus",
"defaultPos": "NC_063383.1:65,736-75,736",
"active": 1,
"orderKey": 22325,
"genome": "Monkeypox virus",
"scientificName": "Monkeypox virus",
"htmlPath": "/gbdb/mpxvRivers/html/description.html",
"hgNearOk": 0,
"hgPbOk": 1,
"sourceName": "Monkeypox virus",
"taxId": 10244
Current UCSC API genomes: https://api.genome.ucsc.edu/list/ucscGenomes