Story: IGBF-58 (IGB gives confusing message when adding a duplicate data source or data)
Date: August 15, 2014
Adding 2 quickloads with the same url but different names gives the user a confusing message. The message has been changed so that it is clearer to the user and is now ready for testing.
Story IGBF-58 was tested on:
*IGB Version: 8.2.0
-(My Office Mac) Mac OS X Version 10.9.3 using JAVA RE 1.8.0_05-b13 Java HotSpot ™ 64-Bit Server
The story was tested using this workflow:
1) Open IGB, Click "Configure" in the "Available Data" panel. Click "Add..." and input the following
Name: Server1
Type: Quickload
click "Submit" then click "Add..." again and input
Name: Server2
Type: Quickload
click "Submit"
2) I checked to see if the error message read "The server has already been added."
3) I also checked if it worked properly when not connected to the internet.
The error message read "The server has already been added." (see attached screenshot)
It also worked properly when not connected to the internet.
Story IGBF-58 was tested on my Mac. My observations were in accordance with the IGB Team's expectations.
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