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  1. IGB
  2. IGBF-606

Remove Track Operation text and punctuation in Graph tab



      From Ann:

      • In the Graph tab: If you select one of the operations that requires an argument (e.g., “add” or “divide”) then the name of the argument appears with a space and a colon, for example: “add :” This is incorrect punctuation and makes the UI look strange.

      See comments below for more information.



          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Workflow Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 19463 ] Revised Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 21580 ]
          ann.loraine Ann Loraine made changes -
          Workflow Loraine Lab Workflow [ 15886 ] Fall 2019 Workflow Update [ 19463 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
          Status Testing In Progress [ 10003 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Needs Testing [ 10002 ] Testing In Progress [ 10003 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Rank Ranked lower
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Rank Ranked lower
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Testing In Progress [ 10003 ] Needs Testing [ 10002 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Assignee David Norris [ dcnorris ] Mason Meyer [ mason ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Needs Testing [ 10002 ] Testing In Progress [ 10003 ]
          dcnorris David Norris (Inactive) made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Needs Testing [ 10002 ]
          dcnorris David Norris (Inactive) made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Description From Ann:

          • If you add a value to a track, there doesn’t seem to be any way to find out what that value was — the name of the new, IGB-generated track doesn’t seem to report the value you added to the graph. The same is true for all the other arithmetic operations. This is very confusing and makes the feature hard to use. The track name should report the operation that was done and the arguments that were used.


          • In the Graph tab: If you select one of the operations that requires an argument (e.g., “add” or “divide”) then the name of the argument appears with a space and a colon, for example: “add :” This is incorrect punctuation and makes the UI look strange.

          See comments below for more information.
          From Ann:

          • In the Graph tab: If you select one of the operations that requires an argument (e.g., “add” or “divide”) then the name of the argument appears with a space and a colon, for example: “add :” This is incorrect punctuation and makes the UI look strange.

          See comments below for more information.
          dcnorris David Norris (Inactive) made changes -
          Assignee David Norris [ dcnorris ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Description From Ann:

          • If you add a value to a track, there doesn’t seem to be any way to find out what that value was — the name of the new, IGB-generated track doesn’t seem to report the value you added to the graph. The same is true for all the other arithmetic operations. This is very confusing and makes the feature hard to use. The track name should report the operation that was done and the arguments that were used.


          • In the Graph tab: If you select one of the operations that requires an argument (e.g., “add” or “divide”) then the name of the argument appears with a space and a colon, for example: “add :” This is incorrect punctuation and makes the UI look strange.

          From Mason: So to sum up this issue we need to change 2 things:

          1) Indicate the math operation and the value that was used in the graph track label

          2) Indicate this info with proper punctuation (ask Ann for clarification)
          From Ann:

          • If you add a value to a track, there doesn’t seem to be any way to find out what that value was — the name of the new, IGB-generated track doesn’t seem to report the value you added to the graph. The same is true for all the other arithmetic operations. This is very confusing and makes the feature hard to use. The track name should report the operation that was done and the arguments that were used.


          • In the Graph tab: If you select one of the operations that requires an argument (e.g., “add” or “divide”) then the name of the argument appears with a space and a colon, for example: “add :” This is incorrect punctuation and makes the UI look strange.

          See comments below for more information.
          dcnorris David Norris (Inactive) made changes -
          Story Points 0.25
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Fix Version/s 8.3.3 Minor Release [ 10000 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Epic Link IGBF-539 [ 15605 ] IGBF-600 [ 15673 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Description From Ann:

          • If you add a value to a track, there doesn’t seem to be any way to find out what that value was — the name of the new, IGB-generated track doesn’t seem to report the value you added to the graph. The same is true for all the other arithmetic operations. This is very confusing and makes the feature hard to use. The track name should report the operation that was done and the arguments that were used.


          • In the Graph tab: If you select one of the operations that requires an argument (e.g., “add” or “divide”) then the name of the argument appears with a space and a colon, for example: “add :” This is incorrect punctuation and makes the UI look strange.

          From Mason: So to sum up this issue we need to change 2 things:

          1) Indicate the math operation and the value that was used in the graph track label

          2) Indicate this info with proper punctuation (ask Ann for clarification)
          From Ann:

          • If you add a value to a track, there doesn’t seem to be any way to find out what that value was — the name of the new, IGB-generated track doesn’t seem to report the value you added to the graph. The same is true for all the other arithmetic operations. This is very confusing and makes the feature hard to use. The track name should report the operation that was done and the arguments that were used.


          • In the Graph tab: If you select one of the operations that requires an argument (e.g., “add” or “divide”) then the name of the argument appears with a space and a colon, for example: “add :” This is incorrect punctuation and makes the UI look strange.

          From Mason: So to sum up this issue we need to change 2 things:

          1) Indicate the math operation and the value that was used in the graph track label

          2) Indicate this info with proper punctuation (ask Ann for clarification)
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Summary Indicate what math operation (including value) was performed in a graph track label Remove Track Operation text and punctuation in Graph tab
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Epic Link IGBF-539 [ 15605 ]
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) created issue -


            • Assignee:
              mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
              mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue


              • Created: