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  1. IGB
  2. IGBF-648

Subtract and Add Track Operations Work Differently if Commas are used in the Value



      While testing for the Minor Release of 8.3.4 I noticed that the "Subtract" track operation functions differently depending on whether or not the user enters a comma in the value (such as "40,000") or does not enter a comma in the value (such as "40000").

      If a user enters a comma in their desired subtract value then it seems that the track gets copied instead of subtracting the desired value.

      Since many user's may prefer to put commas into their values, especially when having to input larger numbers, I think we should fix this for the minor release.

      Oddly enough it seems that the "Add" track operation functions the same even if there are commas in the value.

      To see a picture of this problem please view the attached screenshot where I subtracted "40,000" from the track and then subtracted "40000" for the same track. You will notice that the two generated tracks look different from one another.




            • Assignee:
              mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
              mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
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