Status: Testing To-Do (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Story Points:0.25
Epic Link:
Sprint:Testing 1 : 24 Oct - 1 Nov
Test the workflow of AppStore by installing an App using local or bitbucket repositories. Coordinate with other testers if using a shared test environment. Each tester should work with a different App.
- Sign in to Appstore. Submit an App by choosing from local repo or by entering a url.
- Get your App released - by an Admin user
- Observe that your App is added to the released Apps in App Store
- Now confirm that if you add "released" apps repository to your IGB, you can now see and install your App from App Store
- Develop an updated version of your App - increment the version by editing its POM
- Confirm that you can upload a new version of your App without needing to get it approved
- Confirm you can update the App
Refer to the linked issue for reference.
Issue Links
- relates to
IGBF-1860 Test App Store workflow
- Closed