Had some problems getting in touch with support at RENCI. Finally, the thing that worked was when I submitted a ticket here: https://help.renci.org/ However, sending an email to the support email address help@renci.org failed. I submitted a new ticket as follows: "Hello, According to the documentation and emails from RENCI support personnel, I am supposed to be able to send an email to "help@renci.org" to request help. However, when I do that, I receive an error message that says: "You do not have permission to communicate with RT Hello, Earlier, when I emailed "help@renci.org," I received an error message in reply. Checking now to see if this is still (?) a problem. Yours, Ann Loraine" Please advise! Thank you, Ann Loraine Professor Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics UNC Charlotte (Charlotte University) " Also, I contacted Alex Feltus. He owns the domain the quickload URL is using. He will probably let us take over the domain if needed. ​