Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 9.1.0 Major Release
Story Points:4.5
Sprint:Winter 2018 Sprint 3, Spring 2019 Sprint 1
IGB switches between primary and secondary Quickload site, that can be understood from background color of Quickload site link (yellow for Secondary, red if there is some exception , grey when primary). But this does not give developers clear picture of other details which we maintain about all the quickload sites.
Thus, this task is about adding a feature to show details about Quickload Site in Data Source tab of Preference window.
Approach decided is:
1. Add a info column as right most column and show blue icon with 'i' as we have it in IGB platform.
2. On clicking on info icon it should show details related to Quickload site in small text accommodating pop-up window. This pop-up should have copy feature. cancel and close buttons.
Design for UI of property display for Data Sources table:
When user clicks "info" icon, a table appears containing rows.
Rows contain each property name and value for the selected data source.
Property names (Strings) are presented "as-is" in the live code. Same for values.
Title of window: Name of the data source, e.g., "RNA-Seq" (Note: users can edit the name of a data source for some of these – need to make sure they match.)
Table formatting: Should be re-sizable, icon on the upper left should be same as "info" icon on Data Sources table.