Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:1
Epic Link:
File > Open Genome from file... > Choose Reference File.
The allowed reference files extension are 2bit, bnib, fa, fas, fasta, fna, fsa, mpfa, fa.gz, fas.gz, fasta.gz, fna.gz, fsa.gz and mpfa.gz.
For windows it is working as expected by not allowing selection of any file other than above mention extensions.
But for MAC systems it is allowing selection file with any other extension as well which should not be allowed.
For ex. you can select "*.bed.gz" genome reference file from MAC users which is incorrect as its extension is not FASTA or 2BIT.
Issue Links
- relates to
IGBF-1312 Improve error message shown upon opening a file before selecting a genome version
- Closed
This was reported in Jan 2019. Check to see if the same issue occurs with other file types. See if a user can File > Open a non-genomic data file, e.g., a Word document.