New Feature
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 9.1.8 Major Release
Story Points:5
Epic Link:
Sprint:Winter 6 Mar 8 - Mar 19, Spring 1 2021 Mar 22 - Apr 2, Spring 2 2021 Apr 5 - Apr 16
When users click the hand button ("move tool"), the cursor changes appearance and users can now click-drag the display to pan left or right.
When in "move mode", users can't select items in the display.
Let's change this to allow click-to-select.
Note that we can't allow click-drag to select because click-drag is already being used for the panning (move) interaction.
Please note the selection rules within IGB. When nothing is selected, click the "i" in the top right of the window.
Grab tool logic change objectives:
Holding the alt key changes which of the tools (select vs hand), is active, by changing the classes (SeqMapViewRubberBand vs SmartDragScrollMonitor) that are used, so modifying the methods used by the SmartDragScrollMonitor class should be sufficient to create the desired changes.
Holding the shift key should allow for selection of multiple glyphs.
Relevant files:
Class responsible for UI element configuration
Class responsible for listening to click events
Class responsible for forwarding drag event to genoviz SDK