Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:1
Epic Link:
Sprint:Spring 3 : 3 Feb to 14 Feb, Spring 3 : 17 Feb to 28 Feb, Spring 4 : 2 Mar to 13 Mar, Spring 5 : 16 Mar to 27 Mar, Spring 6 : 30 Mar to Apr 10, Spring 7 : 13 Apr to 24 Apr
In Netbeans IDE, one can right-click a class name defined in an IGB bundle and choose Navigate -> Go To Source.
However, the source code does not appear to be available in this view.
Investigate whether this can be fixed by including source code with the IGB bundles released to maven-releases.
Issue Links
- blocks
IGBF-1798 Check: Does source code get packaged with genoviz sdk bundle?
- Closed
Suggestion for how to do this:
The Genoviz SDK POM.xml contains directive to include *.java files in the jar file:
We could include the above, or something similar, in the release to nexus profile in the top-level parent POM of the Integrated Genome Browser project. We probably want the jar files released to Nexus to contain the source code, but we do not want the jar files packaged with the installer to include the source code.