Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:3
Epic Link:
Sprint:Spring 3 : 3 Feb to 14 Feb, Spring 3 : 17 Feb to 28 Feb, Spring 4 : 2 Mar to 13 Mar, Spring 5 : 16 Mar to 27 Mar, Spring 6 : 30 Mar to Apr 10, Spring 7 : 13 Apr to 24 Apr, Spring 8 : 24 Apr to 8 May, Spring 8 : 11 May to 25 May, Spring 9 : 25 May to 8 Jun, Summer 1: 8 Jun - 19 Jun, Summer 2: 22 Jun - 3 Jul, Summer 3: 6 Jul - 17 Jul, Summer 4: 14 Jul - 28 Jul
The current IGB Quick Start Guide video for IGB uses a very old version of IGB:
For this task, create a new video and retire the old one.
Issue Links
- relates to
IGBF-724 Redo the IGB Quick Start video on Youtube
- Closed
New updated video:
Ready for first level review
Once issue has been reviewed and approved, place video in Google Drive and share with Nowlan.
I like it! Very nice! A great first draft.
Change requests:
Please watch this video with instructions:
Also, some wording changes for the call-outs (word balloons):
- At 1:02, please change callout to "Click an image to open its latest genome" from "You can click on images directly" (Just wondering – why did you include the ellipses ... ?)
- At 1:17, change callout to "IGB loads the selected genome" from "IGB loads the selected information"
- At 3:03, change screen to "Visit us at for the User's Guide, help and feature request forums"
- Remove screen showing links to Sourceforge – we are not using Sourceforge anymore
- Add a link here to the background music.
- Make sure that the terms used are consistent: "Open a data set" means: Open the data set to create a new track. "Load data" means: Trigger actual loading of the data to fill in whatever part of the track is currently in view.
Note that the new video is only going to show loading data sets from the Quickload folder.
The next video will show loading data from local files.
Thank you so much for this!
Also, note:
- Updated Quick Start page:
Quick start guide video has been updated as requested and uploaded:
Ready for first level review
Video editing software used: Vegas Pro
Font used for text instructions: Roman
Background music used (Copyright free):
[~aloraine] I used the ellipses because they were present in the original start guide, and I thought they were included to connect the two sentences together. However, I removed them from the latest start guide video,
All the files used in the video can be accessed here:
Size: 290 MB
change request:
The download and install flow is a bit weird. It looks like you are doing it twice?
Could you re-do that sequence?
1) Un-install IGB
2) Delete old installer file from your Downloads folder
3) Open "home" page
1) Click Install button (top right)
2) When new page appears, click button in the middle of the page
3) Show that the installer is downloading
4) Run installer
You don't need to record all the steps after running the installer – just show that it can be done.
Then, cut to IGB itself and showing how to open data sets.
- click on the middle-of-page download button to trigger downloading the installer
- proceed with the installation and launch of IGB
I updated the video with the requested changes
- intertitle -
- callout -
Wording changes for callouts and intertitles:
- Change "Searching for a genome called TBATA" (callout) to "Search for gene by name - TBATA" (Please use imperative voice)
- Change "Click Load Data to load and fill the tracks" (intertitle) to "Click "Load Data" to fill in the tracks" (notice double quotes around "Load Data" in the intertitle)
Note: In the user's guide, we use bold-face font when quoting user interface components, e.g., Load Data button, to signal that we are talking about a part of the user interface. In your video, you used double-quotes to do the same thing. In this setting, I think that's a good choice because all the letters look bold-face. That's fine, but do it consistently to help user's understand.
- Change: Click "Load Data" (callout at 2:18) to "Click "Load Data" to fill in the tracks" (notice repetition of preceding intertitle)
- Change: "The data for tracks has been loaded" to "Scaled coverage graphs loaded for region in view"
- Change: "Configure tracks" (intertitle) to "Configure graph tracks y-axis scale"
Add callouts:
- At 2:57, add callout "Select "Graph" tab"
- At 3:00, add callout "Click "Select All"
- Pause at 3:02 and add a callout pointing to the track labels. "Red outline shows track selection" Hold long enough (3 to 4 seconds?) to enable viewer to read the callout and notice the red outline indicating that the tracks are selected.
- Add callout at 3:04 and hold long enough for the viewer to read the text and notice that you've enter values into the min and max fields. Callout should read: "Enter y-axis min and max values for coverage graphs." If possible zoom in on the text boxes to show the values you entered and make the text boxes easier to see.
- At 3:12, pause and add call-out "Click minimize button to hide tabbed panels"
- Change callout "Drag a track to zoom vertically" to "Click-drag track edge to increase track height"
- Change "or drag the slider to zoom vertically for all the tracks" to "Drag slider to increase height for all tracks at once"
- Then add a new intertitle: "Vertical slider controls vertical stretching. Horizontal slider controls horizontal zooming."
- At 3:37 (when the tooltip appears in IGB) add callout "Gene TBATA is highly expressed in thymus and not adrenal gland or kidney.
Can you pause there for a few more seconds to let this sink in?
- Final intertitle card change requests: Change "" to "" (don't include "www"). The word "help" should be capitalized.
- Video was updated as requested
- Additionally, I noticed that ticket
IGBF-2447asks to remove the red "Install IGB" button on once the user is taken to the download page.
I was able to edit the button out of the video so future versions of BioViz look similar to the one shown in the start guide.
The button is hidden in the video from 0:20 - 0:41
- I also added timestamps for the video. This can be seen by moving the cursor along the timeline on the bottom of the video.
- Finally, I added an example of what an end screen would look like. The end screen starts at 4:20, where I kept the background picture and background music playing, without any elements added in order to add the end screen on YouTube after uploading by going into the video settings on YouTube
You can set it so it automatically suggest the previous upload on the channel, or suggest specific videos, which is what I did by displaying two specific videos from IGB channel.
You can also display the channel itself along the videos, which is what I did as well.
Thank you for making the updates!
Additional change requests:
- Change call-out shape currently shown at 1:18 to not point at anything. Move it to the upper right quadrant of the display.
- At 1:19, add call-out "IGB loads gene models for the selected genome". It should point at a region with lots of black tick marks – those are the gene models. (They look tiny at this level of resolution.)
- Change intertitle at 1:27 - please change "data files" to "data sets"
- Change call-out at 1:42 "The file appears in the Data Management Table" to "The data set appears in the Data Management Table"
- Change intertitle at 4:15: "Visit us at to learn more"
Video was updated:
Note: For the opening data from the Data Access tab @1:30, I started the section with zooming in at the bottom left of the screen, then zooming out when clicking on the data sets in order to show the tracks.
Please let me know if you think that this is a better implementation or not.
Change requests:
- Could you hold a few second at 1:49 to give the viewer more time to read the call-outs and comprehend what they are seeing? To get the timing right, you could try reading the Call-outs out loud slowly.
- The "Step 1" intertitle card does a very nice thing – first you see "Step 1" and then "Install IGB" appears. Can you do that for the other steps?
- Can you change "Step 3 Load Data" to "Step 3 Load Data Sets from IGB Quickload"? (Sorry, I know this is contradicting my earlier request. Thank you for your patience!)
- Remove title card "Open Data Sets from Data Access tab"
- Please make "Zoom to a region of Interest" Step 4 and remove "Step 4 Load Data" intertitle card
- Make the subsequent intertitle card "Step 5 Click "Load Data" to fill in the tracks"
- Make "Configure graphs y-axis scale" intertitle card Step 6
- Again, I'm very sorry to change my mind and make even more work for you! Please remove the intertitle "Vertical slider controls vertical stretching. Horizontal slider controls horizontal zooming." It would actually be much better to add this information as a pair of call-outs pointing at the slider thumbs – since they are kind of hard to see, unfortunately! Could you add this at 3:56 and then pause for a bit to let the viewer read the callouts and understand the meaning?
Video updated:
Change requests:
- At 44 secs, the cursor seems to be indicating something in the lower right part of the IGB display. This looked a bit strange because it was not clear what was being pointed out. Maybe it would be good to add a non-tailed balloon callout: "IGB starts right away after you install it." If you think this would be a good idea, please add that.
- Please change the wording of callout at 2:46 to: "This shows data are not yet loaded."
- In all callouts and intertitle cards, check for proper capitalization and punctuation. (1) Anything that is a quotation from the IGB interface should use the same capitalization rules as in the IGB interface itself. (2) The first letter of each sentence should be capitalization and (3) each sentence should end with a period "." (4) All text in the callouts and intertitles should be complete sentences.
- Please check consistency of call-out shapes. If something is being pointed out, use a tailed callout and point the tail at the thing being referred to. If the call-out is referring to a general state of IGB, e.g., IGB is now running, then use a non-tailed call-out. Also, check that the cursor and the tailed call-outs are in harmony. For example, if a call-out is pointing to a thing but the cursor is indicating a different thing, see if you can re-position the call-out so that it points to the same thing that the cursor is indicating.
Updated video:
- Changed intertitle of step 6 from "Configure graph tracks Y-axis scale" to "Configure graph tracks", multiple adjustments are shown besides adjusting the y axis scale.
- Added quotes for Species and Genome Version in the intertitle of Step 2 to become:
Choose "Species" and "Genome Version"
However, I think step 2 should be renamed to something a bit more general, because we show both options of clicking on images and choosing the species and genome version from the menu.
So possibly change step 2 to "Select Organism" ?
- I added a period after every sentence, however it looks out of place for sentences ending in a quote because of the bold font that I am using. This can be seen at:
@0:17 Click on "Install IGB"
@3:15 Click "Select All"
Please let me know what you think
Please check the intertitles and callout text. All text should be a proper sentences, with only the first word capitalized and ending with a period. All other words in the sentence should begin with a lowercase letter, except for words being quoted from the IGB interface. In those cases, enclose the text in double double quotes to show they are being quoted from the UI.
Video updated:
- All intertitles end with a period, and the capitalization of all callout text and intertitles was fixed
- Added some quotes around at 3:31 for "Max" and "Min"
I did not add a period for the very first text:
"Welcome to Integrated Genome Browser
Quick Start Guide"
since it is the title of the video
Change requests:
- Call-out at 0:59 looks a bit weird because it points out the rice picture, which never gets clicked. Maybe change the callout shape to a rounded rectangle - no tail.
- At 1:06, change the wording of the call-out to: "Or use "Species" and "Genome Version" menus to open a genome."
- (Sorry for changing my mind again.) Please change Step 3 intertitle card to read: "Step 3: Open data sets."
- Change wording of call-out "A placeholder tracks appears." to "Placeholder tracks appear."
- Change wording of call-out "The data set appears in the Data Management Table." to "Data sets appear in the Data Management Table."
- At 2:13, reposition the call-out to point directly at the horizontal slider thumb (it's a bit hard to see.)
- "This shows...region" needs a period at the end of the sentence.
Thank you again for working on this!
Video updated:
Please add the mp4 video to this google drive folder: "IGBF-2236 Update Quick Start Guide" (see invitation from google drive)
Video added to the Google Drive
Moving this ticket to "Pull Request Submitted"
Uploading to YouTube Channel
New request for Jay Chamma:
- Please upload a copy without the audio. (In case we do a voice over.)
After checking on the trial version of Camtasia, you can seperate the video and audio by doing the following:
1. Importing the clip into Camtasia.
2. Drag the clip fromt he Media Bin into the timeline.
3. Right-click on the clip on the timeline and select "Separate Audio and Video".
4. There will be two tracks now, one for audio and one for video.
To remove the audio, select the newly separated audio track and either delete it or click the eye symbol on the left side of track to disable it. Disabling it will keep it in the timeline but won't show up in the rendering or when you play the video on Camtasia.
Moving to closed. Thank you Jay Chamma!
I noticed a few errors in the instructions of the download section in the first video I uploaded.
I will fix them and re-upload the video.