Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:2
Epic Link:
Sprint:Winter 1 Dec 28 - Jan 8, Winter 2 Jan 11 - Jan 22, Winter 3 Jan 25 - Feb 5, Winter 4 Feb 8 - Feb 19, Winter 5 Feb 22 - Mar 5
Before re-implementing the IGB App Store home page, we first did a survey of commercial app store Web sites to better understand what types of interfaces are possible.
We made a big list of them and discussed what we liked and didn't like about each one. This survey helped us design our app store's home page, which borrowed or modified aspects of existing app stores.
Since we are preparing to write an article about IGB app store, it would be good to have a write-up describing the above process. The write-up or a summarized form of it can be included in the paper.
Note: The final draft is attached.
Issue Links
- relates to
IGBF-2812 Fix problems with App Store tile margins and whitespace
- Closed
For reference, here is the big list of app store sites with notes:
Relating to
IGBF-2507.[~aloraine], please let me know if anything should be added or rephrased.
Summary write-up follows:
We were prompted to reexamine our app store design with a goal of implementing better organization and filtering of apps within the web page as well as updating the visual presentation.
First we examined the organization of other app stores and how they separated their apps into categories, looking at the pros and cons of their implementations. Our favorite design among the app stores belonged to the Grafana website’s Plugins page. From this page we decided to adopt the size and placement of the tiles representing available apps, a radio button sorting system to display curated groups of apps, and move the search bar down to the app tile area so that it would be clearer to the user what could be searched for with the search bar.
A static mockup and interactive prototype were created and critiqued by the development team in group and individual meetings. A list of desired features for the user’s needs was collected and a separate list of requested page design changes was drawn up. From this we created five new mockups showing the different organizational design implementations requested through the critique meetings. Critiques of these mockups resulted in two top designs settling from there on a design based closely on the original favorite commercial app store web page from Graphana.
Lastly we implemented the curated categories organization to the current codebase for the IGB App Store.