To run nextflow on UNCC HPC, you'll need to install it, and then run it as a job, either in an interactive session or a batch session. The following instructions explain how to run it in an interactive session.
Step-by-step instructions:
1) Configure your account to use the slurm scheduler with nextflow by adding this line to your .bash_profile:
export NXF_EXECUTOR=slurm
2) Install nextflow into your HPC account, following "Step1" from URL (1) above.
3) Create a directory where you want to run nextflow and change into that directory.
4) For the next steps, you need to launch tmux, a terminal multiplexer. This ensures that nextflow will continue running even if you lose your connection. Read these instructions on using tmux:
Start a tmux session, called "nextflow":
4) Copy a starter script from link (2) above into that directory.
5) Launch an interactive node on the cluster, requesting 1 cpu, 1500 mb memory, and 1 hour:
srun --partition Orion --job-name "nextflow" --cpus-per-task 1 --mem-per-cpu 1500 --time 1:00:00 --pty bash
You will likely observe a message like the following, but your job number will be different:
srun: job 1088586 queued and waiting for resources
Wait for the "job" to start. When it does, you'll see a new prompt, different from your login session. At this point, you're "in" a new interactive session, running on a newly allocated node, in the same location in the file system as before.
Note: The "partition" option specifies which group of machines your session will run in. Different partitions have different usage levels. Besides Orion, you can also use partition "Andromeda", which has relatively lower usage. If it takes too long for the interactive job to start, type CNTR-C to cancel the request and re-enter requesting the Andromeda partition.
6) Edit the starter script to include "time" directives by adding this line to the start of each "process" section:
A nextflow script can run using diverse execution environments, but some environments require specialized parameters, such as job time limits in the case of HPC environments. In nextflow, each process becomes a job, requiring a time limit.
7) Run the script and observed the output:
[aloraine@str-i1 nextflow]$ nextflow run
N E X T F L O W ~ version 21.04.3
Launching `` [adoring_swirles] - revision: 295ae680a6
executor > slurm (3)
[84/c56487] process > splitLetters [100%] 1 of 1
[e8/c39201] process > convertToUpper (2) [100%] 2 of 2
Note: Your output may differ depending on which process was executed first. The output lines may appear in a different order.
Following instructions here for installing on Mac: (1)
Following instructions here for writing first scripts: (2)