Tested on Mac
Testing on main-JDK8 9.1.12
Testing on IGB release 9.1.10
- ProtAnnot from Kaushik's branch was not able to work on IGB release 9.1.10 as there was a resolver error.
The current version of ProtAnnot (9.1.4) works on both main-JDK8 (IGB 9.1.12) and IGB release 9.1.10. Further investigation into the error observed on IGB 9.1.10 when installing the new version of ProtAnnot may be warranted as it could help us identify potential OSGI issues. However, at this time I don't see a reason to upgrade protannot to the new R6 annotations.
This may be looking at in the future, but for the moment I am moving this ticket to the backlog.
This ticket has been superseded by
IGBF-3518.Closing ticket.