Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:1
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Issue: I encountered an error that's occurring with ProtAnnot during testing today. I am encountering errors in both IGB 9.1.8 and 10.0.0 that seem relatively similar, but the error messages and the steps required to produce these error messages are not quite the same.
Task: Recreate these errors using the steps outlined below. Then, investigate what is causing these errors and report your findings on this ticket.
IGB 9.1.8 Error: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
How to Reproduce This Error:
- Install the ProtAnnot plugin through the IGB App Manager (Tools > Open App Manager)
- Open the A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome.
- Navigate to the following gene: Chr1:2,257,247-2,260,234
- Select the AT1G07350.1 and AT1G07350.2 gene models by shift-clicking both models.
- Select the Tools Menu.
- Select Start ProtAnnot.
- Click Run InterProScan...
- Add your email address
- Deselect all boxes, then select PIRSR
- Click Run
- Allow the scan to finish, then run this same scan again.
- Run this same scan a third time. This is where you should see the error in the IGB Log. NOTE: It seems like you can use any type of scan to reproduce this error, so long as you run it three times.
IGB 10.0.0 Error: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
How to Reproduce This Error:
- Install the ProtAnnot plugin through the IGB App Manager (Tools > Open App Manager)
- Open the A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome.
- Navigate to the following gene: Chr1:2,257,247-2,260,234
- Select the AT1G07350.1 and AT1G07350.2 gene models by shift-clicking both models.
- Select the Tools Menu.
- Select Start ProtAnnot.
- Click Run InterProScan...
- Add your email address
- Click Run
- Allow the scan to finish, then run this same scan again. This is where you should see the error in the IGB Log.
I found two other bugs while testing today that will need looking into.