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  1. IGB
  2. IGBF-393

Remove parameter input option for what should be hardcoded Track "Operators"



      While testing graph track operations I noticed that there are several different "Log" operations:

      -"Natural Log"

      A user may look at these available options and become confused as I was. If the base for Log10 is 10 and the base for Log2 is 2 and the base for the Natural Log is "e", what is the base for the plain "Log"?

      Further examination reveals that the plain "Log" uses whatever the default value is (its currently set to "0"). A better name for this operation may be "LogX" because it gives some indication to what the base is.

      Its also worth noting that these Log operations are available from the Graph tab. The problem here is that there can be confusing contradictions. For example, a user can select Log10 but they are still required to input a value for the base. So if the user selects Log10 but then puts 2 as the base, what should be the expected behavior? I'm sure you can see that this can cause a bit of confusion.

      I propose that we take one of two actions:

      1) Remove all the Log functions except for the plain "Log" and force the user to input their desired base when they use the operator. (This will remove confusion because the user will know exactly what the base is every time).


      2) Remove the ability to select a base when selecting "Log10", "Log2", or "Natural Log". The ability to input a base should only be allowed for the plain "Log" operator (which I vote to rename "LogX").



          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) added a comment -

          From Ann:

          • The logarithmic functions log2, ln, and log10 should not have a “configure” option. I noticed that “sqrt” doesn’t have a “configure” option — so probably we can easily remove these for log2, ln, and log10?

          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) added a comment - From Ann: • The logarithmic functions log2, ln, and log10 should not have a “configure” option. I noticed that “sqrt” doesn’t have a “configure” option — so probably we can easily remove these for log2, ln, and log10?
          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) added a comment -

          My testing verifies that this issue is now functioning as expected. Since this story is resolved it will now be closed.

          mason Mason Meyer (Inactive) added a comment - My testing verifies that this issue is now functioning as expected. Since this story is resolved it will now be closed.


            • Assignee:
              mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
              mason Mason Meyer (Inactive)
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