I worked with Jaya Sravani Sirigineedi regarding Bitbucket pipelines and gathered the required information. Based on this, I suggest updating the text as follows:
Present text:
Within bitbucket, when you push a change to a branch with a name that matches one of the branch-specific patterns, then the pipeline for that branch runs. For example, if you push a branch to your fork that has branch name matching "IGBF-*", the corresponding "IGBF-" branch pipeline will run. In this case, the pipeline compiles IGB and also packages IGB into operating-specific installers using Install4J. Likewise, branches that contain "release-" in the name will trigger a different pipeline to that builds installers will run. If the affected branch name does not match either of these two patterns, the default pipeline will run, which simply compiles IGB but does not build installers.
Proposed text:
Within bitbucket, when you push a change to a branch with a name that matches one of the branch-specific patterns, then the pipeline for that branch runs. For example, if you push a branch to your fork that has branch name matching "release-*", the corresponding "release-" branch pipeline will run. In this case, the pipeline compiles IGB and also packages IGB into operating-specific installers using Install4J. If the affected branch name does not match any branch name specified in bitbucket-pipelines.yml, the pipeline can be triggered manually using one of the available custom pipelines.
The above text needs to be updated in the IGBEE Canvas Course: Module 3 - Set Up Bitbucket Pipeline.
Ann Loraine and Paige Kulzer please review the proposed text and let me know if any changes are required.
Since I do not have credentials to update the canvas course, I request to modify the text in the canvas course.
Worked with Nowlan Freese to update the canvas course.
To Do:
The IGBF-* branches and the default pipelines in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file are currently not in use. I will update the documentation related to branch configurations once I clarify doubts regarding the removal of the default pipeline with Jaya Sravani Sirigineedi.