Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:2
Epic Link:
Sprint:Fall 2018 Sprint 5, Winter 2018 Sprint 1, Winter 2018 Sprint 3, Spring 2019 Sprint 1, Spring 2019 Sprint 2, Summer 2019 Sprint 7, Summer 2019 Sprint 8, Summer 2019 Sprint 9, Fall 5 : 14 Oct to 25 Oct, Fall 6 : 28 Oct to 8 Nov, Fall 7 : 11 Nov to 22 Nov, Fall 8 : 25 Nov to 6 Dec, Spring 9 : 25 May to 8 Jun, Summer 3: 6 Jul - 17 Jul, Summer 4: 14 Jul - 28 Jul, Summer 6: 17 Aug - 28 Aug, Summer 7: 31 Aug - 11 Sep, Fall 3: Oct 12 - Oct 23, Winter 5 Feb 22 - Mar 5, Winter 6 Mar 8 - Mar 19, Spring 4 2021 May 3 - May 14, Spring 5 2021 May 17 - May 28, Summer 2 2023 May 29, Fall 4 2023 Oct 16, Spring 2, Spring 5, Fall 1, Fall 5, Fall 6, Fall 7, Winter 1
The main goal of this ticket/issue is for you to practice the IGB workflow using Jira.
You'll make a small change to the code base, test it, and then move your ticket forward in the board.
To start, download and run IGB. Then, Select Help > About Integrated Genome Browser.
Note there is a list of contributors. For this task, add your name to the list.
- Assign this issue to yourself, and move it into the current spring to the "In Progress" lane.
- Read and review the comments and previous work done by others. Review the comments and history for the linked issues, as well.
- Work on editing the proper section of code and adding your name to the credits. Use the IGB fork-and-branch workflow.
- Once you've completed the code changes, run a successful pipeline, and commented a link to your branch, moved this ticket to the "Needs first level review" column, and unassign yourself.
Reminders and tips:
- Make sure your installer has built (as seen in your downloads section). Whoever does the functional review will download and run your installer.
- Make sure you add a link to your fork and branch as a comment to the issue. Whoever does code review will need the link to find your fork and view your code.
- Use correct voice and format for commit messages.
- Check that the installer has built.
- Check that all commit messages contain the ticket number.
- Check that commit messages are imperative voice, present tense.
- Check that the ticket contains a link to the fork.
- Check that only one line of code is changed (no whitespace edits).
Issue Links
- clones
IGBF-1464 On-boarding: Step 4 - add your name to Credits
- Closed
Added my name is the contributors list.
Successfully triggered the pipeline and downloaded the .dmg file to verify my changes.
Attaching screenshot below for your reference -
*Downloads - *
I installed IGB (IGB-macos-universal-main.dmg) from loraine lab IGB downloads ( and early access and was able to see Pranav's name in the credits. I can also see that the commit is part of the main branch and his name appears in the AboutIGB.html file.
I think this ticket is safe to close.