Cloned to my local:
- git clone
App Manager shows Version 9.0.0 of 23andMe SNP Converter.
Version in repository is 9.1.0.
Built version 9.1.0 and submitted to
Confirmed platform version by inspecting MANIFEST.MF:
Confirmed jar contains repository.xml.
Uploaded and submitted to App Store. Installed into IGB 9.1 correctly after adding test appstore to App repository listing in IGB.
Upload version 9.2.0 and then version 9.1.2.
Checked ordering of release in releases tab. The order was correct – higher to lower.
Also, the higher version was shown on the page.
When a newer version of the app is submitted and a lower version of the app is installed in IGB, the upgrade button should be displayed on Appstore and App manager in IGB. But we are not able to see an upgrade button in both Appstore and IGB.
Everything is working fine except from the issues reported by Shamika Gajanan Kulkarni for