Tested the workflow as mentioned in the document provided. The following are my observations.
1) Sometimes, after installing the app from Appstore, the download count does not change. It reacts a bit slowly to fast installations and misses a count of downloads.
2) The 'Editor Action' button size varies sometimes.
3) Adding a new Editor is possible only if the new editor has previously logged into Appstore. (Not sure if this was the requirement, just commenting to bring it to notice)
4) If the email address of an editor is long, it goes out of the box and looks weird.
5) Even after updating the ratings, the ratings are not visible on Appstore Home page. I tried updating using editor login, a normal user login as well as without any login. The ratings are not saved.
6) After releasing 3.0.0 version of this app which is compatible with IGB 10.0.0 and not with IGB 9.1.0, I could still see an option of installing the app when IGB 9.1.0 was running. After clicking on 'Install this App' the version 2.0.0 which is compatible with IGB 9.1.0 got installed. The button also changed to 'Installed' on Appstore, though a higher version of App was released on Appstore. Basically, on Appstore, it showed Installed even when the higher version was not compatible with IGB 9.1.0 and the higher version was not actually installed.
Attaching the screenshots for all the observations.
Kindly review Prof. [~aloraine]
Please finish this first thing in the morning Monday.
Work fast – so that if there are problems, there will be time to fix them Monday afternoon.
Thank you!!