Sameer Shanbhag/ Riddhi Jagdish Patil, I submitted the finaAnnotations development app on the app store and accepted it from admin page. When I tried to access the OBR release api to check if the repository.xml contains the findannotation app, it is again showing Internal Server Error. I am not sure what is breaking. Could you please look into it? I have deleted the app for now so that it does not affect the testing process. Whenever you guys are free or here next next week, just let us know why that is happening. And I guess this is happening for other few apps as well. Checked with Pawan Bole as well as Pooja Nikhare. The thing is, when we're having more than one released app and when we try to fetched released app repository.xml using app store api, it is throwing this error.
Sameer Shanbhag/ Riddhi Jagdish Patil, I submitted the finaAnnotations development app on the app store and accepted it from admin page. When I tried to access the OBR release api to check if the repository.xml contains the findannotation app, it is again showing Internal Server Error. I am not sure what is breaking. Could you please look into it? I have deleted the app for now so that it does not affect the testing process. Whenever you guys are free or here next next week, just let us know why that is happening. And I guess this is happening for other few apps as well. Checked with Pawan Bole as well as Pooja Nikhare. The thing is, when we're having more than one released app and when we try to fetched released app repository.xml using app store api, it is throwing this error.