
    • Type: Sub-task
    • Status: Testing To-Do (View Workflow)
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Labels:
    • Story Points:
    • Sprint:
      Fall 8 : 25 Nov to 6 Dec



        pbadzuh Philip Badzuh (Inactive) added a comment - - edited

        I noticed the same issues that are reported here, but could not update to a newer version of this app, even after trying a workaround described here.

        Some observations:
        1) I only receive a notification to 'add this App Store as an App repository' when no other app repositories are installed, probably because the two default IGB app repos both contain ProtAnnot.

        2) Related to (1). Without deleting/disabling the two default app repos, I can install the app using the appstore, however, the version installed is the one from one of these original data sources - the version number is lower and the description is not the same as the one on the appstore. The default repos as well as the installed app must be removed in order for the appstore to prompt for adding the new repo.

        3) Not sure if this is abnormal, but screenshots and their thumbnails are not saved across app updates.

        4) When trying to install a newer version of an app, with the older version installed, neither the app manager nor the appstore allow for an update. The app manager only has an uninstall option (the update all button is grayed out), and the appstore button says 'installed'. The releases endpoint shows the new version of the app.

        I have stopped testing here

        pbadzuh Philip Badzuh (Inactive) added a comment - - edited I noticed the same issues that are reported here , but could not update to a newer version of this app, even after trying a workaround described here . Some observations: 1) I only receive a notification to 'add this App Store as an App repository' when no other app repositories are installed, probably because the two default IGB app repos both contain ProtAnnot. 2) Related to (1). Without deleting/disabling the two default app repos, I can install the app using the appstore, however, the version installed is the one from one of these original data sources - the version number is lower and the description is not the same as the one on the appstore. The default repos as well as the installed app must be removed in order for the appstore to prompt for adding the new repo. 3) Not sure if this is abnormal, but screenshots and their thumbnails are not saved across app updates. 4) When trying to install a newer version of an app, with the older version installed, neither the app manager nor the appstore allow for an update. The app manager only has an uninstall option (the update all button is grayed out), and the appstore button says 'installed'. The releases endpoint shows the new version of the app. I have stopped testing here
        ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

        Philip Badzuh - can you add a link to JIRA ticket (if any) that was made for the above error report?

        ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Philip Badzuh - can you add a link to JIRA ticket (if any) that was made for the above error report?


          • Assignee:
            pbadzuh Philip Badzuh (Inactive)
            pooja.nikhare Pooja Nikhare (Inactive)
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            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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