Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:2
Epic Link:
Sprint:Fall 4 : 30 Sep to 11 Oct, Fall 5 : 14 Oct to 25 Oct, Fall 6 : 28 Oct to 8 Nov
When developers upload an App, App Store must perform first-level automated review of the App to make sure it follows basic specifications. For example:
- Jar file must contain OBR index file called "repository.xml" at the top level of the jar
- Jar file MANIFEST must contain OSGi headers of Bundle-SymbolicName, Bundle-Version, and Bundle-Name (note that Bundle-Description is optional)
- An uploaded jar file can have the same Bundle-SymbolicName and same Bundle-Version as a currently "pending" App, but not a released App
- An uploaded jar file can have the same Bundle-SymbolicName as a released App but its Bundle-Version should be different
All the various combinations of what a developer can do are kind of complicated, and our current submit app feedback page does not do a great job of explaining what's happening when a developer submits an App jar. For example, we are telling the developer whether the uploaded jar file is a "new app," but there are several ways that an App can be new!
Let's change the feedback page as follows:
Instead of displaying the line: "Is the is a new App" and then showing either "Yes" or "No", let's instead display a different line: "App Summary" and provide some text explaining what we think the developer is doing. If the developer reads this text, they will be able to decide whether to proceed with the next step of either canceling the submission or proceeding with submission.
For the new design, please see this PowerPoint:
(This is the same PPT as for IGBF-1995, but with new slides added.)
Writing user story and creating initial design.