Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Story Points:0.25
Epic Link:
Sprint:Fall 4 Oct 26 - Nov 6, Fall 5 Nov 9 - Nov 20, Fall 6 Nov 30 - Dec 11, Fall 7 Dec 14 - Dec 23, Winter 1 Dec 28 - Jan 8, Winter 2 Jan 11 - Jan 22, Winter 3 Jan 25 - Feb 5
Graph tracks can have regions with value=0.
One of the graph track operations is the inverse function, and several other functions include an inverse.
But the inverse of 0 is infinity.
IGB needs to handle this.
Currently, if you take the inverse of a graph track where the value is 0, the y-max for the resulting track is set to 340282346638528860000000000000000000000, and the values on the Y-axis end in "Y", and all the values that have legit values are squished down to be invisible, so the entire track appears blank.
The inverse function just needs to have a catch to handle this. If input is 0, output is NA.
Issue Links
- relates to
IGBF-2134 Fix inverse graph operation problem
- Closed
IGBF-1340 Inverse,Log3,Natural Log operation of Track Graph did not show the same result as mentioned in the test wiki doc.
- Closed
IGBF-1342 Diff operation on 2 tracks is giving " no point" in ycord value in selection info in Graph Track Operations
- Closed
To replicate in IGB:
1) Open human genome (H_sapiens_Dec_2013)
2) Navigate to: chr1:0-550
3) Load the two attached files (graphWithNoZero.bedgraph and graphWithZero.bedgraph) into IGB and load their data.
4) Click the graphWithZero.bedgraph track label to select it.
5) Under the Graph tab within the Operations section, change the Single-Graph dropdown to Inverse and click Go.
Note that this will max out the value of the zero values to 340282346638528860000000000000000000000.
Repeat the same steps for the graphWithNoZero.bedgraph file to observe how the graph should appear.