
    • Type: Epic
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Epic Name:
      Refactor AppStore variables
    • Story Points:
    • Sprint:
      Fall 2019 Sprint 2


      Refactor the app store code base with following changes


      • Rename symbolicname to Bundle_SymbolicName (parsed from bundle MANIFEST.MF)


      • Rename fullname to Bundle_Name (parsed from bundle MANIFEST.MF)

      Rename Edit App page variables - IGBF-2001:

      • Rename icon to logo
      • Rename license_text to license_URL
      • Rename website to website_URL
      • Rename tutorial to tutorial_URL
      • Rename coderepo to code_repository_URL
      • Rename contact to contact_email
      • Rename repository to repository_XML

      Rename app describing variables with meaningful names - IGBF-2002:

      • Rename description to short_title
      • Rename details to Bundle_Description (parsed from bundle MANIFEST.MF)


      • Rename tags to categories


      • Remove automation, feature, and votes support from App store


      • Rename version to Bundle_Version (parsed from bundle MANIFEST.MF)


          Issue Links


            rpatil14 Riddhi Jagdish Patil (Inactive) added a comment -

            Features working as expected:

            Features tested and working:
            1) Uploading logo
            2) Uploading screenshots
            3) Updating the short title
            4) Updating the description
            5) Tested app submission
            6) Tested app submission cancellation
            7) Tested redirection of obr/releases/repository.xml
            8) Tested redirection of obr/pending_releases/repository.xml
            9) Tested adding of license url, website url, citation, tutorials url
            10) Tested deletion of all ratings by clicking delete ratings button

            Bugs resolved:
            1) Fixed issue with repository file creation
            2) Fixed Install button not showing for IGB
            3) Changed cursor to Hand pointer for Editor Actions
            4) Renamed edit page options to be more meaningful

            The bug fixes are present in - branch

            Question about Author:
            Added author and saved it, not sure where this information can be seen on the UI once it is saved

            rpatil14 Riddhi Jagdish Patil (Inactive) added a comment - Features working as expected: Features tested and working: 1) Uploading logo 2) Uploading screenshots 3) Updating the short title 4) Updating the description 5) Tested app submission 6) Tested app submission cancellation 7) Tested redirection of obr/releases/repository.xml 8) Tested redirection of obr/pending_releases/repository.xml 9) Tested adding of license url, website url, citation, tutorials url 10) Tested deletion of all ratings by clicking delete ratings button Bugs resolved: 1) Fixed issue with repository file creation 2) Fixed Install button not showing for IGB 3) Changed cursor to Hand pointer for Editor Actions 4) Renamed edit page options to be more meaningful The bug fixes are present in - branch Question about Author: Added author and saved it, not sure where this information can be seen on the UI once it is saved
            rpatil14 Riddhi Jagdish Patil (Inactive) added a comment - [~aloraine] , Can we merge this
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

            Riddhi Jagdish Patil Checking it now. (I recall some of these commits may already be merged but need to check to be sure.)

            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Riddhi Jagdish Patil Checking it now. (I recall some of these commits may already be merged but need to check to be sure.)
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - - edited

            Riddhi Jagdish Patil The branch is many commits behind master, and I have a vague memory of merging a branch from Noor Zahara that touched the same code.

            To check for potential conflicts, I added your repo as a remote to my local appstore clone and did the following:

            local aloraine$ git remote -v
            appstore_riddhi (fetch)
            appstore_riddhi (push)
            origin (fetch)
            origin (push)
            local aloraine$ git fetch appstore_riddhi
            remote: Counting objects: 22, done.
            remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
            remote: Total 22 (delta 15), reused 0 (delta 0)
            Unpacking objects: 100% (22/22), done.

            • [new branch] IGBF-1984 -> appstore_riddhi/IGBF-1984
            • [new branch] IGBF-1989 -> appstore_riddhi/IGBF-1989
            • [new branch] IGBF-1996-Bug-Fix -> appstore_riddhi/IGBF-1996-Bug-Fix
            • [new branch] IGBF-2002-app-description -> appstore_riddhi/IGBF-2002-app-description
            • [new branch] dockernize -> appstore_riddhi/dockernize
            • [new branch] master -> appstore_riddhi/master
            • [new branch] master-old -> appstore_riddhi/master-old
            • [new branch] wip -> appstore_riddhi/wip

            local aloraine$ git checkout IGBF-1996-Bug-Fix
            Branch 'IGBF-1996-Bug-Fix' set up to track remote branch 'IGBF-1996-Bug-Fix' from 'appstore_riddhi'.

            Then I tried to merge with latest master branch (from "origin" – my fork, sync'd to lorainelab appstore team repository):

            local aloraine$ git merge --no-commit --no-ff origin master
            Auto-merging static/apps/js/app_page.js
            CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in static/apps/js/app_page.js
            Auto-merging obr/
            Auto-merging apps/templates/app_page_edit.html
            Auto-merging apps/templates/app_page.html
            Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

            For the next steps, could you synchronize your fork with the latest master, rebase IGBF-1996-Bug-Fix on the last master, and resolve the conflict?

            Probably the conflict is the "xhr" bug fix now corrected in master and also in your branch.

            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - - edited Riddhi Jagdish Patil The branch is many commits behind master, and I have a vague memory of merging a branch from Noor Zahara that touched the same code. To check for potential conflicts, I added your repo as a remote to my local appstore clone and did the following: local aloraine$ git remote -v appstore_riddhi (fetch) appstore_riddhi (push) origin (fetch) origin (push) local aloraine$ git fetch appstore_riddhi remote: Counting objects: 22, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done. remote: Total 22 (delta 15), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (22/22), done. From [new branch] IGBF-1984 -> appstore_riddhi/ IGBF-1984 [new branch] IGBF-1989 -> appstore_riddhi/ IGBF-1989 [new branch] IGBF-1996 -Bug-Fix -> appstore_riddhi/ IGBF-1996 -Bug-Fix [new branch] IGBF-2002 -app-description -> appstore_riddhi/ IGBF-2002 -app-description [new branch] dockernize -> appstore_riddhi/dockernize [new branch] master -> appstore_riddhi/master [new branch] master-old -> appstore_riddhi/master-old [new branch] wip -> appstore_riddhi/wip local aloraine$ git checkout IGBF-1996 -Bug-Fix Branch ' IGBF-1996 -Bug-Fix' set up to track remote branch ' IGBF-1996 -Bug-Fix' from 'appstore_riddhi'. Then I tried to merge with latest master branch (from "origin" – my fork, sync'd to lorainelab appstore team repository): local aloraine$ git merge --no-commit --no-ff origin master Auto-merging static/apps/js/app_page.js CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in static/apps/js/app_page.js Auto-merging obr/ Auto-merging apps/templates/app_page_edit.html Auto-merging apps/templates/app_page.html Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. For the next steps, could you synchronize your fork with the latest master, rebase IGBF-1996 -Bug-Fix on the last master, and resolve the conflict? Probably the conflict is the "xhr" bug fix now corrected in master and also in your branch.
            rpatil14 Riddhi Jagdish Patil (Inactive) added a comment -

            Re-based IGBF-1996-Bug-Fix with master and resolved merge conflicts

            rpatil14 Riddhi Jagdish Patil (Inactive) added a comment - Re-based IGBF-1996 -Bug-Fix with master and resolved merge conflicts
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -


            Riddhi Jagdish Patil - please submit PR to lorainelab/appstore's master branch (previously the PR was to master branch on fork)

            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - OK! Riddhi Jagdish Patil - please submit PR to lorainelab/appstore's master branch (previously the PR was to master branch on fork)
            rpatil14 Riddhi Jagdish Patil (Inactive) added a comment - Pull request submitted
            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment -

            Merged but not yet deployed on a dev-appstore-N site.

            ann.loraine Ann Loraine added a comment - Merged but not yet deployed on a dev-appstore-N site.


              • Assignee:
                rpatil14 Riddhi Jagdish Patil (Inactive)
              • Votes:
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