Testing on Mac OS 11.6.5 with IGB zulu. My overall testing strategy was to add the track hubs as a new data source and attempt to load the genome and data.
I tested the track hub referenced in previous comments (https://translate.bioviz.org/api/?hubUrl=https://cgl.gi.ucsc.edu/data/cactus/363-avian-2020-hub/hub.txt&filePath=/) in IGB zulu and I was able to load data for Antrostomus carolinensis > b10kgenes > bigGenePred > Bird_10K_genes with no issues in the logs. However, when I tested this same file in IGB 9.1.8 release it also worked.
Upon testing other trackhubs mentioned to have issues in previous comments I ran into varying issues.
Attempting to load data from the track hub https://translate.bioviz.org/api/?hubUrl=https://data.broadinstitute.org/vgb/dog/dog/hub.txt&filePath=/ resulted in a null pointer exception in the BigBedSymLoader class.
Attempting to load data from the track hub https://translate.bioviz.org/api/?hubUrl=https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/population_frequency/TrackHub/20200227123210/hub.txt&filePath=/ resulted in a URL not reachable, status code = -1 error.
Attempting to load data from the track hub https://translate.bioviz.org/api/?hubUrl=https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/croc-paper-hub/hub.txt&filePath=/ resulted in a URL not reachable, status code = 403 error.
Attempting to load data from the track hub https://translate.bioviz.org/api/?hubUrl=http://augustus.uni-greifswald.de/hubs/pisaster/hub.txt&filePath=/ resulted in an invalid URL or annots.xml not found error.
Attempting to load data from the track hub https://translate.bioviz.org/api/?hubUrl=https://data.cyverse.org/dav-anon/iplant/home/samksmith/steguina_track-hub/steguina/hub.txt&filePath=/ worked with no issues.
It is unclear to me what the issue was with the Antrostomus carolinensis genome data, as I was able to load the sequence and data. Without specific testing instructions for this genome I am unable to replicate and test the issue as it appears to work on both Zulu and release versions of IGB.
Regarding the other errors, there seems to be a myriad of errors occurring that are preventing data from loading from different track hubs, as outlined above. These public track hubs assume that the data are valid and the track hub hosting site configured correctly. Unfortunately I think this may not be the case as it appears some of the files may be corrupt, locked, or in general unreachable. It may be difficult and/or time consuming to track down why each of these data files fails to load in IGB.
Omkar Marne asks for clarification regarding "odd behavior":
How to test:
During testing, check the Species and Genome Version menus. Ensure that you see the species and genome versions of the Quickload there. The Genome Versions should be listed using the IGB name, not the UCSC name. If you notice the UCSC name instead, make a note of it. This is because IGB listing the UCSC name instead of the IGB name indicates that we would need to update our synonyms infrastructure.