Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 10.1.0
Story Points:0.5
Epic Link:
Sprint:Spring 7, Spring 8, Spring 9, Spring 10
Situation: Now that the UCSC REST data source has been implemented in IGB, we should be able to disable DAS by default. Previously, DAS was required for the External View tab (IGBF-2776) and the View Region in UCSC Browser (IGBF-2777). This was because the code was using the internal data source object to retrieve a listing of UCSC genome names. This dependency was changed to use the UCSC JSON endpoint in IGBF-2863.
- Search for and replace any DAS requirements in IGB - though there may not be any left.
- Set DAS to disabled by default in igbDefaultPrefs.json
Issue Links
- relates to
IGBF-2863 Use UCSC JSON endpoint to get list of genomes for External View tab
- Closed
Disabled UCSC DAS Data Provider by default and tested a few functionalities to make sure disabling DAS isn't causing any issues. Everything is working as usual. Updated code is at the branch: Below are screenshots of few tested scenarios:
Loading of human genome with updated UCSC REST code and after disabling DAS (took around 3-4 secs to load):
External View loaded correctly without any issue:
Redirect to UCSC genome browser also worked fine:
Please review and let me know if there are any issues.
To Test: