

        Issue Links

        1. End-to-end testing with 23andMe SNP Converter Sub-task Testing Complete Ann Loraine
        2. End-to-end testing with App for Testing App Workflow Sub-task Fix Requested Unassigned
        3. End-to-end testing with Command Socket Sub-task Review Requested Pooja Nikhare (Inactive)
        4. End-to-end testing with Geometric Mean Operator Sub-task Review Requested Shamika Gajanan Kulkarni (Inactive)
        5. End-to-end testing with Super Simple IGB App Sub-task Testing To-Do Unassigned
        6. End-to-end testing with ProtAnnot Sub-task Testing To-Do Philip Badzuh (Inactive)
        7. End-to-end testing with Merge Annotation Operator Sub-task Fix Requested Pooja Nikhare (Inactive)
        8. End-to-end testing with Get Average Score Sub-task Fix Requested Prutha Kulkarni (Inactive)
        9. End-to-end testing with NCBIPrimer(Development-app) Sub-task Fix Requested Shamika Gajanan Kulkarni (Inactive)
        10. End-to-end testing with OverlapAnnotationOperator(Development-app) Sub-task Fix Requested Pooja Nikhare (Inactive)
        11. End-to-end testing with FindAnnotations(Development-app) Sub-task Testing Complete Prutha Kulkarni (Inactive)
        12. End-to-end testing with ParentOperators(Development-app) Sub-task Review Requested Pooja Nikhare (Inactive)
        13. End-to-end testing with TranscriptIsoform(Development-app) Sub-task Fix Requested Prutha Kulkarni (Inactive)
        14. End-to-end testing with SampleSelection(Development-app) Sub-task Fix Requested Unassigned
        15. End-to-end testing with SearchModeSymmetryFilter(Development-app) Sub-task Fix Requested Unassigned
        16. End-to-end testing with TallyHandler(Development-app) Sub-task Fix Requested Unassigned
        17. End-to-end testing with TableView(Development-app) Sub-task Fix Requested Philip Badzuh (Inactive)


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            • Assignee:
              shamika Shamika Gajanan Kulkarni (Inactive)
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